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Teaching & Work Experience: Prof. Ming Singer
(1)Watauga Public Library Adult Learning Series(NC,USA)
Series Title: Mind, Brain and Consciousness. (Aug 15-Oct 19, 2014--weekly sessions) Topics:“Mind,Thoughts,and Dreams”;"Human Nature, Habitual Thought Pattern, & Stereotyping";"Memory,Healing, Brain Disorders";"Mind at Journey's End";"The Creative Mind (Music, Poetry, Art & Science)";"Mysticism, (Natural Heritage, Comparative Religion)";"Language and"Silent Language";"Making Decisions";"IT/ET/DT and the Mind”;"Emotion,Habitual Affective State". (2) Radio-hosting;On-line lectures,Consulting work in USA (Feb 2013--Present)
●On-Line Course Tutoring: 2014 University of the Third Age (UK) Course Title: All in the Mind. This course consists of 17 topics:Introduction;The brain; On basic Human nature; The music mind; Brain disorders and damages; Belief and faith; Languages; Silent language of the private self; The “stereotyping” mind; Intelligence; Memory and Mind; Decision making (I): Social influences; Decision-making (II) Machine influences; Mind at “journey’s end”; The 21st century information technology and human mind; Future brain: Neurosurgery and epigenetic; and, Love and hurt. (June 2014: Course outline on two Ming Singer Websites). ●Audio recordings of 20 Radio programmes of “Beautiful Life” (AM1320 US Chinese Broadcasting) (English transcriptions) (June 2014: on two Ming Singer Websites) ●Voluntary Work for the Chinese communities in Houston, Texas (Dec 2013– Feb 2014). Work included: ●Lecture/workshop on “Beautiful life”, Light and Salt Care Centre (7 Dec 2013) ●Lecture/workshop on “Contemporary workplace issues”, Houston Chinese Community Centre (8 Dec 2013) ●Lecture/workshop on “Marriage and Close Relationships”, Houston Chinese Community Centre (14 Dec 2013) ●Lecture/workshop on “Dreams and Dealing with Work Stress”, Houston Chinese Community Centre (15 Dec 2013) ●2 lecture/workshop(s) with “Youth group” (BYC Youth/Family Winter camp): “Current societal and youth issues”(22-24 Dec 2013) ●Workshop with “Parent group” (BYC winter camp):“Issues regarding family, marriage, children, work/career”(22 Dec 2013) ●Workshop with “Support group for breast cancer patients”, Light and Salt Care Centre (11 Jan 2014) ●Workshop with “ Special care-giver group”, Light and Salt Care Centre (15 Feb 2014) ●ITV (Chinese Language) television interviews on “Alzheimer’s and elderly care” (4 Feb 2014) and “Daily life stress and dream’s guidance” (11 Feb 2014) ●74 Private advising/counselling sessions: individuals, family or small groups (8 Dec’13 -27 Feb 2014) ●Hosting radio program at the US-Chinese Broadcasting from Houston, Texas, USA (Invited radio program hosting: “Beautiful Life”, topics include: family relationships, dual-career issues, work/life challenges, in bi- and multi-, cultural environments, dating & social issues, generation gaps, etc) ●Advising/Counseling work with university students, NC, USA (Work & relationship stress, career advising, CV writing, etc) ●Phone/Skype Private advising/consulting work (On-going, see (4) below) (Stress & time management, work & career transition, retirement & layoff, personal growth, conflict resolution, etc) ●Recorded seven On-line Lectures on the topic, “Human Mind and Consciousness” (Singer, M. 2013) (June 2013: on two Ming Singer Websites: English website: www.consciousnessminddreams.com ) Lecture #1:“Reason-Sentience Divide” (2:14 hrs) Lecture #2:“Scientific Approaches to the Mind” (1:24 hrs) Lecture #3:“The Pragmatic Consequences of Collective Mind” (1:11 hrs) Lecture #4:“Wisdom and Perennial Philosophies” (1:11 hrs) Lecture #5:“Immortality of Thoughts” (1:14 hrs) Lecture #6:“Our Life’s Work” (2:09 hrs) Lecture #7:“The Guiding Functions of Dreams” (1:22 hrs) (3) Teaching & Volunteer work in London,UK (Aug 2012--Feb 2013)
●Teaching one course, “Thoughts and Dreams” at University of the Third Age, Hampstead Campus, London. (Sept-Dec 2012 term). Course involves weekly discussions of “human thoughts and dream-state consciousness”. The main focus was on the pragmatic and guiding functions of dreams for life’s challenge and purpose. ●Replacement Tutor for the “Chinese Language” course at U3A, Hampstead, London. And private lessons on Chinese language learning (Oct 2012-Jan 2013). ●Advising/counseling work in the London & UK Chinese communities (Sept 2012-Feb 2013) Work advertised in London’s Chinese Weekly Newspaper, services provided over telephone, and included: work and career-related stress, relationship and family issues, personal and cultural conflicts, mid-life transition, caring for elderly & dealing with ageing, and resume-writing for job applications. (4) Volunteer work in USA (Jan 2008—Aug 2012)
●Private Advising/Counseling work in Houston, Texas (October, 2011) Organized by James Wong, Editor-in-Chief, Houston Chinese Press, in conjunction with Beijing & National Taiwan Universities’ Houston Associations. Work included: Radio Interview (Houston 1050-am,19 Oct), Lecture workshop (22 Oct), and private advising/counseling sessions for individuals/small groups. ●Private Advising/counseling work in Hawaii (Nov-Dec 2009, May-Aug 2010) Stress management, familial relationship, etc., applying dream interpretation in managing personal stress and conflicts. ●Lectures/Workshops/Private Sessions at the CRT Community in Winston-Salem, NC. (July-Nov 2009 & Jan-April 2010) Lecture topics: “Marriage”, “Healthy Diet”, “Self-Esteem”. Workshops & Private individual counseling sessions on: Work-related stress, personal conflicts, dieting and health issues, mid-life crisis, marriage conflicts, personal relationship, child rearing issues, race-related issues, CV-writing, career guidance,Chinese Mandarin language classes. ●Workshops at Deerfield Ridge Assisted Living Center, NC. (July-Nov 2008) Training sessions for the Nursing Staff at the Center (“Leadership and Team Building Training”, “Dealing with Stress at Work”) Seventeen seminar/discussion sessions for the elderly residents at the Center, topics include “Change in my life”, “Personal relationships and Living in a community”, “Dreams that can guide our life”,“Coming to terms with past hurts, illness…or other Issues that have been bothering you”, “Positive thoughts and physical health: Brain and healing” (Bolte-Taylor’s book,“My Stroke of Insight”), “Economy & capitalism: Effects on the elderly”, “Current nation-wide financial crisis”, “How to avoid social isolation”, “Dealing with uncontrollable stressful events in life”.) (5)Skype, phone: Business Consulting, Advising & Personal Coaching
(On-going for the past decades alongside academic career) Consulting over phone/internet with international business personnel, including purchasing, operations marketing managers, on organizational development, team building, layoff issues, stress management, conflict resolution, etc. (6)Lectures & workshop (Nov 2004-2006)
●Invited lecture on "Rational-Choice models in decision-making: applications and limitations". School of of Business, University of Redlands, California, USA (March 2006) ●Invited workshop on "Stressors & Stress Management in contemporary workplace". The Hogan Entrepreneurial Program, School of Business, Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (March 2006) ●Workshops on "Sentience and Reason" (based on my 2003 book entitled Sentience: Companion to Reason). Spokane, Washington, USA (Nov 2004-April 2005) (7)Teaching at University of Canterbury (1984 to 2005)
●Undergraduate Courses taught including: Introduction to Psychology (1st year paper), Personality, Developmental Psychology (2nd year), Industrial & Organizational Psychology (3rd year). ●The M.Sc. Applied Psychology Program, Postgraduate Psychology Courses taught including: Personnel Psychology, Organizational Psychology (1st year Master’s papers), Advanced Personnel and Organizational Psychology, Theory and Methods in I/O Psychology, Ethics and Justice in Organizations, Organizations and Change, Career Development (2nd year Master’s papers) ●Supervision of Research Theses and Dissertations (See listing under “List of Publications”). (8) Administration & Community Services, University of Canterbury, NZ (1984 to Aug 2005)
●University of Canterbury Boards and Committees University of Canterbury Academic Board (1992-’96) Management Committee of the Early Learning Centre (1991-’92) Liaison for the Educational Research and Advisory Unit (1996) University of Canterbury Joint Academic Grievance Committee (1999-2001) University Human Ethics Committee (2000-‘03) ●Department of Psychology Committees: Psychology Teaching & Limitation of Entry Committee (1991-’93) Ethics Committee of Psychology (1992-’93) Textbook Liaison of Psychology (1991-‘95) Grievance Committee of Psychology (1994-’95) Chair, University Internal Review of the Technical Staff of the Psychology Department (1997) Judge, Postgraduate Conference Paper Competition (1998) Psychology Curriculum Committee (1996-‘99) Psychology Staff-Student Liaison Committee (1999-’02) Program and Course Coordinator (psyc-200-level, 3rd-yr I/O Psychology, M.Sc. Applied Psychology Master’s Program. Departmental Ad Hoc Selection Committees: for Recruiting lecturers in Cognition, Personality/Individual Differences, Health Psychology, and I/O psychology positions. Organizer, Psychology Research Seminar Series (2000) Psychology Research & Grant Allocation Committee (2000-‘02) ●Community Services Status & Membership Committee of the New Zealand Psychological Society (2001-’05) Invited speaker on Asian Culture at the “Asian 2000 Week”, Ilam Primary School, Christchurch, NZ (1994). Organizing Committee for the Pacific Asian Studies Conference, University of Canterbury (1989) Co-organizing the NZ Economic Psychology Symposium (1993) Co-organizing the NZ Business Ethics Symposium (1997) Editorial board (NZJP, JBE), Ad hoc reviewer for various international academic journals. External Examiner for Ph.D., M.Sc., M.A theses & dissertations. (9) Teaching at New Zealand National Police College, Wellington (1983)
●Lecturer in General Studies, teaching social, organizational and applied psychology topics related to “policing & law enforcement work”, to three levels: Recruits Training Program, Refresher Courses for Senior Personnel, and Recruits Counseling Services (10)Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ
(Aug '81-Dec '82)
●In addition to post-doctoral research, designed two practical lab exercises in cognition for first year laboratory program. (11)Teaching at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia (Feb 1973-Aug '81)
●Lecturing topics: Thinking and Hemispheric Processing, Memory and Language, and Statistics & Quantitative Methods. ●Teaching tutorial and Laboratory topics to first-year laboratory and tutorial classes, first-year statistics course. ●Post-first-year Seminar and Laboratory programs on courses including “Cognition and human information processing “, “Language and Communication”, “Quantitative Psychology & Statistics”, “Learning and Behavior Modification”, “Perception”, “Personality Testing and Assessment”. ●Intensive External Teaching Programs in Sydney, for external students enrolled in Psychology, University of New England. Classes held during May & September university breaks. ●Residential Tutor (psychology) in Austin and St. Albert's Colleges (1975-78). ●Non-Resident Fellow: Mary White College (1979-81). (12) Research Assistant, National Taiwan University
& Teaching at Jien-Kuo English Language School, Taipei, Taiwan (June 1972-Jan 1973). ●Research assistance in the Experimental Laboratory on Human Program learning, Psychology, NTU. ●Teaching English and grammar to Beginning Classes in J-K English Language School, & private tutoring. |